Gift of Sight Catalogue

Our Gift of Sight catalogue lets you choose from a wide range of options that restore sight and prevent vision loss for adults, children and entire communities around the world.

When you give the gift of sight, you’re also giving access to education, employment and the foundation for a better life.

Give the gift of sight, here's how…

1. Choose Your Gift

Decide how you want to make an impact by choosing from the gifts of sight below.

2. Tell Us If It's A Present

We’ll send a card on your behalf or you can choose to send an ecard directly to the recipient. You’ll receive a link to set up your ecard after you’ve made your gift.

3. Make Your Gift

We’ll send you a tax receipt.

Choose How You Give

Help Those In Greatest Need

Restore sight and prevent blindness through surgery, glasses, medicine, training and outreach. We will put your gift to work where it is needed most.
Any Amount or Give Monthly

Restore a child's sight

Help children see with sight-restoring surgery, medicine or prescription glasses. 4 out of 10 children who are blind could see today if they had early access to treatment.

Prescription Glasses for 5 Children

Help 5 children see. Glasses will bring their world into focus and transform their lives.


Eye Screenings for Children

Screen children in schools to catch eye problems early and ensure they have healthy vision for life.


Restore the Eyesight of a Child

Curing a child’s blindness is more complex than an adult’s, it requires ongoing care until they are fully grown. Your gift provides cataract surgery, a lens implant, follow-up care, glasses, medications and transportation to and from the hospital.


Restore an Adult's Sight

Help adults see. Give the power of sight to people living in remote, underserved communities so they can lead independent and productive lives.

Provide Medicine to Prevent Blindness

Prevent a lifetime of blindness by supplying eye drops to treat infections.


Prescription Glasses for 5 Adults

Help 5 people see. Five pairs of glasses will bring the world into focus and transform lives.


Restore the Eyesight of an Adult

Cure an adult’s blindness with cataract surgery including a lens implant, post-op care, medications and transportation to and from the hospital.


Provide Treatment for Glaucoma

Help provide treatment for glaucoma, a chronic and potentially blinding condition. A lifetime of treatment can include medicine and/or surgery.


Empower Women and Girls

There are 112 million more women than men with vision loss due to the social and cultural barriers they face accessing eye care services. Girls have an additional barrier of being too young to advocate for themselves. When women and girls can see, entire communities benefit.

Train Eye Care Advocates

Train a village member to become a community eye care advocate who identifies, counsels and refers community members to local eye care services.


Help Women and Girls See

With this gift you’re supporting community-based programs that help women and girls get the care they need and deserve.


Train an Eye Care Worker

Train local people at every level of eye care so they can provide treatment to their own communities now and in the future.

Outreach Worker Training

Help train an outreach worker to find people with blindness and eye disease in remote communities and ensure they get to the hospital for care.


Ophthalmic Nurse Training

Help train an ophthalmic nurse to provide basic eye care to a community. With this expertise they can diagnose and treat 90% of all eye conditions.


Cataract Surgeon Training

Create a sustainable eye care program for generations to come by helping train a local eye surgeon to do thousands of cataract operations per year.


Give Eye Care to Remote Communities

No one should have to live with treatable blindness or vision loss simply because of where they live. The most effective and efficient way to reach individuals in isolated areas is to bring high-quality eye care to their doorstep through community ophthalmology – eye care for the community by the community.

Community Eye Screening

Give people in remote, underserved communities access to eye care by contributing towards screening entire communities for eye disease.


Community Eye Centre

Prevent blindness before it happens. Your donation will contribute toward supporting or establishing a permanent Community Eye Centre (CEC). The CEC provides remote communities with year-round access to basic care, treating 90% of all eye conditions and ensuring timely referrals to hospital when surgery is needed.


Cataract Surgical and Treatment Camp

Provide life-changing cataract surgery, medicine, glasses and transportation to and from a medical facility to hundreds of people living in isolation with no other access to care.


Gift of Sight Donation Cards

Donate to an eye care program as a gift in honour of a friend or family member. Each card is the equivalent of a $12.50 donation. Includes 4 cards with envelopes and a $45 tax receipt. Price includes shipping.


Uplifting images by Ellen Crystal. Includes 4 donation cards and envelopes and a $45 tax receipt.
