What is 20/20 Vision?

We often refer to “20/20” vision but what does it actually mean? 20/20 is a term used to express normal visual acuity measured at a distance of 20 feet or 6 metres (6/6 vision). If you have 20/20 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see from […]
From Problems to Solutions: Translating Knowledge Into Practice
The problems faced by the global eye care community are well-documented yet the solutions are not. While we know how many people are blind, where and from what, this knowledge alone will not cure blindness. The most successful eye programs are those who put their research into action, transforming what they know into what they […]
We Are All Just Walking Each Other Home
In memoriam Ram Dass, April 6, 1931 – December 22, 2019 Of course, there would have been no Seva without Ram Dass. Seva was born out of an impossible brew and Ram Dass was a key ingredient. Our organization was formed by some of the World Health Organization doctors who eradicated smallpox, the Hog Farm […]
See & Be Seen Eyecare
See & Be Seen Eyecare in Toronto is Seva Canada’s newest corporate supporter and we’d like to welcome them to our community. Founded by Priya Malik-Patel and her husband Dr. Ritesh Patel, See & Be Seen Eyecare is dedicated to delivering the ultimate optometric experience because they know how important vision is to one’s quality […]
It is Just an Irritated Eye

Omonuwa, a young boy in Benin, had been complaining about his eye for a few weeks. His frustrated father told him “it’s just irritated, you’ll be fine.” And he eventually would be, thanks to donors like you. **Warning** This story is not for the faint of heart!