‘Tail’ of Two Patients

I’m forever grateful to Carolynn for helping me teach my children to dream big, set big goals and go after them because one small idea can lead to amazing possibilities.” – Colleen
Shooting Ourselves in the Foot?

To understand how Aravind expanded and achieved financial and market success in Southern India, we must first alter several assumptions about effective business practices and most of what we use to measure success.
COVID’s Effect on Eye Care Delivery

The COVID-19 pandemic brought most non-emergency eye care to a standstill, almost everywhere. Almost all programs stopped and are only beginning to reintroduce outreach activities.
Thanks for Zooming in to our Annual General Meeting!

Seva Canada’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on November 6, 2020. This year we used Zoom to join folks in their homes and offices, rather than welcoming them to a venue in Vancouver. One wonderful upside was the opportunity to connect with supporters from across the country and around the world who would not have been able to attend an in-person AGM.
More Eye Care for More People. The Case for Expanding Sustainable Revenue Generation

Sustainability creates business value; lowers costs and risk and creates more innovation and enhanced value. It’s about delivering better eye care to more people; not making money.