Healthy Vision is Vital to Healthy Aging – Chamsuri’s Story

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“In the hills, she could easily fall down, and there can’t always be someone to catch or guide her,” said Chamsuri’s son, Chandra. 

Well into her seventies, Chamsuri, a vital and active grandmother in rural Nepal, has never slowed down. At the heart of a large, bustling family, she tended the animals, cooked meals, and helped care for her grandchildren. Then, the vision in her right eye started to blur.


Chamsuri in Nepal with bilateral cataracts    ©Eric Sanderson


Life became much harder. But Chamsuri carried on, because her family and the farm needed her.

As darkness closed in, things that had always given her purpose slowly slipped out of reach. Before, her family had depended on her, now she depended on them. 

“My heart couldn’t see this,” said Chandra. Restoring his mother’s sight seemed like a distant dream. They lived in poverty, with extremely limited access to eye care.

Then, a glimpse of hope. Over the radio, Chandra learned about free eye care at the Bharatpur Eye Hospital. He knew they had to take the chance and take his mother to the Eye Hospital. Her life would soon change forever, thanks to the support of caring people like you.

Chamsuri with her daughter-in-law at Bharatpur Eye Hospital    ©Eric Sanderson

Healthy vision is vital to healthy aging. Without it, people lose their independence, become isolated from their community, and face very real dangers from falls and accidents.

Vision loss is especially devastating in low-income countries, where many, like Chamsuri, continue to work and support their families well into their older years.

Just $50 can restore a person’s sight, allowing them to reclaim their full life, care for their loved ones, and contribute to their community again.

When Chamsuri and her son arrived at the Bharatpur Eye Hospital, two incredible things happened. First, she was finally able to put a name to the condition that had claimed her sight — bilateral cataracts. Second, she discovered that it could be fixed!


Chamsuri undergoing cataract surgery    ©Eric Sanderson


Within days, she received sight-restoring surgery, thanks to generous donors just like you! When her bandages came off, and she saw the faces of her loved ones again, Chamsuri was overwhelmed with joy.



Returning home to her family, Chamsuri’s life has resumed the rhythm she has lived and loved for decades. Caring for the fields. Cooking for her grandchildren. Being independent.

“Everything’s changed! Everything is good now,” proclaimed Chamsuri. “I can and will do everything again!

Right now you can help someone just like Chamsuri regain their sight and reclaim their life for just $50! 

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