News and Stories

Our latest news and sight stories:

The stories of the women, children and people living in extreme poverty and isolation that have been given the power of sight because of our donors are inspiring. Every one of them is worth sharing.

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Sight Stories

Seeing her future at 12,000 feet

17-year-old Nepali teenager Kunsang cannot remember a time when she had clear vision. Seeing has always been a struggle for her, but eye care was

A Couple Who Gets Glasses Together…

After 40 years of marriage, Sat Sari and her husband Kouoy Long’s love is still going strong. In a small village in Cambodia, they’ve worked together to raise four children while tending their farm. Their children and nine grandchildren all live nearby so they can spend time together as a family — sharing meals, celebrating […]

Reaching for the Stars – Jaonah’s Story

15-year-old Jaonah Jaonah is a bright light, with his big smile and boundless energy. Eager to head off to school in the morning, and happy to get back home to play soccer with his friends. But, starting in early childhood, the blackboard, the soccer ball, and his family’s faces got harder and harder to see. His […]

Her Future in Sight

When one-year-old Jojo was only two months old, her mother, Adidja, noticed a white dot in her left eye. Adidja had no idea what was happening to her baby, so she rushed to the nearest pharmacy, where she received eye drops. But the white dot continued to grow, and Adidja began to notice with growing […]

Seeing Her Sight and Smile Come to Life!

When Yvette was old enough to go to school, her mother’s fears for her future increased. Yvette couldn’t see clearly enough to follow the lessons or read her textbooks. She was forced to drop out of school and became isolated and depressed. Yvette rarely smiled.

A Future in Focus

Rinku loves going to school and is an excellent student, but two years ago, school became difficult.

In Sickness and in Health

Fifty-two years ago Sam and Huen married. Together they struggled through the Khmer Rouge Regime and making a life together by farming rice and raising their eight children. As their family grew to include five grandchildren, they encountered yet another trial: they were both losing their sight. Huen went blind first; she was afraid to walk alone, but Sam guided her, helped her with chores, and carried water for her.

A Shy Smile of Happiness

As a toddler and young child, Sandra’s vision began to deteriorate but because she was so young she didn’t understand that she was different than other children. When she was 6 years old, her elementary school teacher noticed that she couldn’t see the board clearly and notified her parents.

Will Cataracts Stop Ork from Seeing the World Again?

nfortunately, over the last three years, Ork Lay’s vision deteriorated making it hard for her to take care of herself and her grandchildren. Ork Lay felt like a terrible burden and worried about her daughter who would have to care for her and no longer be able to earn an income to support the family.

It is Just an Irritated Eye

Omonuwa, a young boy in Benin, had been complaining about his eye for a few weeks. His frustrated father told him “it’s just irritated, you’ll be fine.” And he eventually would be, thanks to donors like you. **Warning** This story is not for the faint of heart!

Seeing her future at 12,000 feet

17-year-old Nepali teenager Kunsang cannot remember a time when she had clear vision. Seeing has always been a struggle for her, but eye care was

A Couple Who Gets Glasses Together…

After 40 years of marriage, Sat Sari and her husband Kouoy Long’s love is still going strong. In a small village in Cambodia, they’ve worked together to raise four children while tending their farm. Their children and nine grandchildren all live nearby so they can spend time together as a family — sharing meals, celebrating […]

Reaching for the Stars – Jaonah’s Story

15-year-old Jaonah Jaonah is a bright light, with his big smile and boundless energy. Eager to head off to school in the morning, and happy to get back home to play soccer with his friends. But, starting in early childhood, the blackboard, the soccer ball, and his family’s faces got harder and harder to see. His […]

Her Future in Sight

When one-year-old Jojo was only two months old, her mother, Adidja, noticed a white dot in her left eye. Adidja had no idea what was happening to her baby, so she rushed to the nearest pharmacy, where she received eye drops. But the white dot continued to grow, and Adidja began to notice with growing […]

Seeing Her Sight and Smile Come to Life!

When Yvette was old enough to go to school, her mother’s fears for her future increased. Yvette couldn’t see clearly enough to follow the lessons or read her textbooks. She was forced to drop out of school and became isolated and depressed. Yvette rarely smiled.

A Future in Focus

Rinku loves going to school and is an excellent student, but two years ago, school became difficult.

In Sickness and in Health

Fifty-two years ago Sam and Huen married. Together they struggled through the Khmer Rouge Regime and making a life together by farming rice and raising their eight children. As their family grew to include five grandchildren, they encountered yet another trial: they were both losing their sight. Huen went blind first; she was afraid to walk alone, but Sam guided her, helped her with chores, and carried water for her.

A Shy Smile of Happiness

As a toddler and young child, Sandra’s vision began to deteriorate but because she was so young she didn’t understand that she was different than other children. When she was 6 years old, her elementary school teacher noticed that she couldn’t see the board clearly and notified her parents.

Will Cataracts Stop Ork from Seeing the World Again?

nfortunately, over the last three years, Ork Lay’s vision deteriorated making it hard for her to take care of herself and her grandchildren. Ork Lay felt like a terrible burden and worried about her daughter who would have to care for her and no longer be able to earn an income to support the family.

It is Just an Irritated Eye

Omonuwa, a young boy in Benin, had been complaining about his eye for a few weeks. His frustrated father told him “it’s just irritated, you’ll be fine.” And he eventually would be, thanks to donors like you. **Warning** This story is not for the faint of heart!